
Communist Manuscript

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Incendary95's avatar

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"It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself." - Manifesto of the Communist Party

Introduction to Communism and Socialism.

In the modern world, many people, Americans in particular, have a one sided view of Communism, like it's the tool of evil. Somehow the words of Karl Marx such as, "The workers of the world have nothing to lose, but their chains, workers of the world unite" have been interpreted as, "we will make you all slaves," or "Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex,"    maybe taken as, "we will give all your jobs to our women!!!",  The real reason western culture portraits Communism as an evil threat is that Soviet Russia posed a threat to American and British financial progress, mainly by backing revolutions which threatened industries supported by the  American and British governments and against the imperialist advances made by the western powers during the Cold War. (The Soviets did the same thing in the name of thier twisted version of Communism). But in order to fully understand Communism, you must look at circumstances under which Communism was created and applied.

In 1850s Germany and Russia. The Industrial Era was beginning, people who once inhabited feudal farms joined Europe's  new industrial workforce. And  nations soon came under the control of the new mutation of aristocracy, which was led by young rich men who had never known hardship. The workers were kept at arms length, and put in an "out of sight out of mind" position. The workers of Germany, France, Russia and many other nations enveloped by financial empires and  this aristocracy, were treated poorly, even in America, women and there daughters were sent to textile factories to work so the father could eat and be the statuesque leader of their houses. In the Russian empire, teachers were paid less than peasant farmers, and often had to sleep in barns. Worker unions were illegal and students who protested could be arrested immediately. When ideologies like Communism and Anarchism arrived to the workers, they flocked when they saw the power of these ideas. When the leaders of industries say the possibilities of the ideas and how they empowered the workers they used the government and it's secret police (of that day and age) to arrest leaders in the movements, and threatened the youth so they didn't get involved in any revolutionary activities. This back fired when young people knew what was being done to slow progress. So who were some of these young people who fought against industries and empires? There was the 26 year old Cuban lawyer named Fidel and his younger brother Raul, and the Argentinean doctor who joined them. Or there was a young student whose brother was killed trying to assassinate the Russian emperor. Or the young guerrilla known as Tito who would be one of the only anti-soviet socialist of his time and kept true to his word as a leader.

Or maybe the revolutionaries of today? If you thought the red star was gone from the earth you were mistaken, there is Marcos in Chiapas, Mexico. There is Alfonso Cano and the FARC EP fighting against the corrupt Columbian government, Sendaro Luminoso (Shining Path) in Peru. Or the workers protesting in Turkey and Iran. Or the building workers and miners protesting in South Africa. Or the Communist president of Cyprus, Dimitris Christofias whose been unifying the people and aiming them towords peace, or the Socialist Presedincies of Hugo Chavez and Evo Marales.

Believe that revolution is eminent, after all Karl Marx said "Democracy is the road to Socialism" and he said that "Socialism is Communism at a slower pace." So what were the situations in which Socialism was applied? Well lets start with the    one system I hate than than the Capitalist, the U.S.S.R. brand of Socialism

Sadly, our Russian comrades were on the right path, Lenin was looking into the future. Planning on a proud Soviet Union where people were happy to contribute to society as a whole and spread a message of social and economic equality. Where the people got what they needed and were educated to a extent were all members of society had a knowledge of the world, the arts, literature, mathematics, and all useful knowledge that would make the rest of the world marvel at it.Trotsky was leading the Red Army and writing manuscripts to help spread the revolution itself, while helping to educate the masses on what they had grasped as their ideology.

And then we have Stalin, as far as the people knew he was a charismatic leader who had captured St. Petersburg during the revolution and a leading man in the Bolshevik party. What they didn't see was the maniacal beast lurking beneath the façade of the working mans revolutionary. Unfortunately for the Soviet people, the first attempt on Lenin's life after the revolution was suspected to have brought his life expectancy down seven years. Leon Trotsky was exiled when Stalin took power, and was later assassinated by the NKVD. With no major political contenders, Stalin ran the C.C.C.P with an iron fist; His careless  leadership lead to famine. He also managed to fit a treaty with  Hitler in before ordering the brutal murder of thousands of Polish army officers. Stalin perverted the idea of Communism.

The Mathematics Of It And The Redistribution Of Wealth

Communism is a rather simple concept: from each his ability, to each his need. It's a concept based on a very simple idea in which everyone gets fed and has a purpose. Now Marxism & Communism are a little different. Marxism is a kind of Socialism, were there is a strong government to help society function. In Communism the workers run society independently, but we can only reach that after the redistribution of wealth amongst the populace, this can be summed up by the phrase "Eat the rich, Feed the poor," which means in order to bring the working class up you have to evenly spread the money of the wealthy and Capitalist society as a whole to the people and build independent municipalities that can be operated by the people and the government. (The central government should start to deteriorate in size over time, until it reaches it's only necessary size as to solve issues of crimes and make sure everyone is getting fed).

My Vision of  a Communist World

Imagine a world were there are no rich people, no Hollywood hills mansions, no Hummers or Lamborghinis, no rich people "s**ting" on the poor & working class. And there's no poor people, no shanty towns or projects, No drive by shootings or drug dealers or prostitutes. Just one big world were people find there function and live relatively short lives in comfort and happiness. Everyone works for the benefit of society as a whole, everyone is paid the same. There is no discrimination of any kind on the basis of race, gender, sexuality. Est. People are educated in science but are aloud to practice religion, as long as they do not preach harm against ANYONE.  All indigenous peoples beliefs and customs and culture would be preserved. All the workers would have very strong unions to insure against exploitation bye the management. It would be one big happy family. Therefore there would be no wars. Large areas would be re-conservated to protect nature and cultivate food supplies. The oceans would be re-established as a major goal of conservation. Many forest worldwide would be made "national parks" of sorts in order to protect all species of animals and protect nature in general. Healthcare would be free and everyone will be treated as soon as possible. Doctors would no longer have to perform triage on civilians who didn't have healthcare because all of society would be a "kickstand"  for the medical establishment, whenever a problem accrued with one establishment, society would use a collective amount of recourses to hold it together.

Ideally a utopia, but what about commodities, The simple possessions that each human being bases his/hers hobbies off of? Only time will tell when humans have the capacity to responsibly use marijuana or own guns or gain certain positions without abusing other human beings or themselves.  

How And When Will This Happen?

First the revolution, the people need to rise and awaken to the truth about capitalism and its exploitive nature, Marxist of all kinds need to stand up and speak out if we're are to keep the truth of the idea alive, Marxist need to by supportive of working as well as part of it, so we can spread the words of Marx back out among the working class, Marxist need to start a grass roots workers movement, down to earth and goals in plain language, along with an armed revolutionary group to protect the workers from repression on the part of the state and industries. After a (successful) Revolution the new (temporary) revolutionary government must organize and educate the populace, first by getting the workers in a situation were they can be productive in a manner as to rebuild society, using the newly re-disrupted wealth to supply these workers with material to build hospitals, schools, factories, farms and equipment for harvesting renewable energy (wind mills, geo-thermal, rip tide, solar), and to keep existing municipalities running. Then people will need some form of guidance (which will definitely vary from place to place) to keep human nature from getting the best of the people's new society, at this moment I can only conclude that a strong government (which by definition would be Marxist) will hold Capitalistic virtues of greed and corruption away, while the people adjust to the life that every human being in history should have had, eventually the government will decrease in size as the people show traits of responsibility and content with what they need, rather than what they want. A constitution should be drafted in each   individual society to insure that Communism should never be repealed, but the people have the right to amend it as they see fit, should the state ever become abusive of its authority. So when will this happen?

Its very hard to tell when the revolution will come about, but I am a Marxist because I have developed the theory that true Communism is only possible when the whole world is Socialist. Let me explain; Socialism + Intier world + Time = Communism.  
Now many will say "its slavery because people aren't free to be Capitalistic" or "it doesn't respect anyone's beliefs" but believe me, freedom and equality go hand in hand, and some day, maybe 10 years, maybe 50 years, maybe 1000. The world will be a Communist world, and it may not be extremely exciting, but your children and their children will be thankful for the part of the revolutionaries and the working class played to speed up progress to a better and brighter future, and you could be one of them, so let us go forth, we have a world to win, for the workers of the world have nothing to loose but their shackles, people of the world UNITE!
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ChairmanLongJohn's avatar
Did you know that your name originally is spelled Klöckner?